27097 Lancaster Drive,
Brownstown, Michigan 48134.
27097 Lancaster Drive,
Brownstown, Michigan 48134.
Nowadays, home and commercial property owners place high importance on how well their windows deliver in terms of energy savings, property value, and curb appeal. That is why we offer high-quality windows that meet all of your expectations. Our replacement windows are designed to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature all day long and save on your energy bills.
We understand the inconvenience associated with storm damage, so we respond quickly and work hard to ensure a smooth, hassle-free process. We can even assist with your insurance claim, helping you recover for needed repairs or replacement windows.
Windows are no exception. Sure, there are a variety of options in color, size, and material, but that’s why we’re on your team. Instead of being overwhelmed, we believe this process should be enjoyable. We believe getting new windows should be fun and exciting. We’re committed to giving customers A Different Experience: fully customized proposals, professional design, and flexible financing.
Double-hung windows are the classic window style. This style is both simple and elegant which is why it’s a popular choice — especially where space is limited. Because they slide vertically, double-hung windows don’t take up additional space in and outside of your living area.
Picture windows are the ideal choice to frame the views your home is built to enjoy. Think of them as pre-hung artwork and a part of your home’s interior design. Picture windows take advantage of your home’s lot and orientation by giving you an unobstructed view. These windows bathe your home in natural light which is restorative to your soul. If your goal, however, is to maximize the flow of outside air, this may not be the ideal choice for that room. Picture windows do not open; their purpose is to allow light in.
Casement windows are a good compromise between getting a great view and allowing outside air in. This is why they are a favorite among homeowners. As opposed to the traditional double-hung window, casement windows move inward and outward with a handle. Because casement windows maximize airflow, they are ideal for above kitchen sinks and in bathrooms.
The avid afternoon reader, and most cats, have a favorite window. It’s the bay window. Bay and bow windows are a gorgeous addition to any home’s exterior and interior. They are perfect for big family rooms, kitchens, or studies and libraries. With the right pillows and sconces, bay windows add an unmistakable touch of elegance. Bay windows are distinguished by a combination of picture windows and double-hung windows, while bow windows are made up of casement windows. Either is an excellent choice for your home.
Sliding windows are a good choice when space is a limiting factor. As opposed to double-hung windows, sliding windows slide horizontally. These are great for tight spaces because they don’t take up unnecessary space surrounding the window. They’re also easy to operate and are generally more cost-effective than most other window types. Ease of operation is an important factor to discuss with your window installation contractor, especially as we age.
They’re called basement windows, but work well in any space that requires just a small window to let enough light and air in. Split-level homes often use these types of windows, as well. Basement windows are very simple in their construction. They are a small window that opens downward and outward via a hinge.